from my camera and a few I borrowed and scanned...
Click on any of
the images to display a 4x blow-up of that photo.
Show participants, if you would like a
print of any of the ones I took on my camera, e-mail me the roll & negative number and I'll have a
copy made for you.
rehearsal at the high school (Woodward Academy)...
There isn't a lot to say about
most of these individually. All but the last one were taken the one
night that the weather was good enough to go outside to do field
placement and a quick run-through. Since I was obviously taking
these, the pictures aren't of us "specialty" couple
dancers performing. They are mostly of the bigger group of
choreographed dancers. Picture 03a was an attempt to get a
picture of the woman in charge of it all...but it didn't come out
very good. Picture 07a is a few of us along the sidelines waiting...and
freezing. The last picture, 11a, was taken in one of the gyms
when we first got a glimpse of our costumes.
Roll 1, Negative 02a
Roll 1, Negative 03a
Roll 1, Negative 04a
Roll 1, Negative 05a
Roll 1, Negative 06a
Roll 1, Negative 07a
Roll 1, Negative 08a
Roll 1, Negative 09a
Roll 1, Negative 10a
Roll 1, Negative 11a



yes. High school cafeteria food. Yum. (That's what they
served us. A couple of days all we got was an apple and
bottled water!

rehearsal at the Georgia Dome...
Technically, we weren't
supposed to have cameras so we had to sneak shots when people
weren't looking. Luckily, since we were more-or-less a special
group, we could get away with taking pictures a lot easier than
everyone else.
A few of us just
hanging out... ?, Chris, Robin,
Jennifer and me.

Roll 2, Negative 00a
Me dipping Jennifer
for a
posed shot.
Roll 2, Negative 01a
Jennifer being

Roll 2, Negative 02a
A rather dorky,
hurried shot of yours truly.
Roll 2, Negative 03a
Most (not all) of
us in our swing number

Roll 2, Negative 04a
The large group
on the field, as in TINA ROCKS

Roll 2, Negative 05a
The large group
on the field, as in TINA ROCKS

Roll 2, Negative 06a
I think this is a
cute one of Jennifer. That curly hair actually belongs to
the girl behind her (Robin). That's Chris up front.
Roll 2, Negative 07a
Nothing special...just
a shot in of the field.

Roll 2, Negative 08a
Jennifer pretending
she is being

Roll 2, Negative 09a
I'm not sure why
some of the girls did this.

Roll 2, Negative 10a
A couple that came
down from South Carolina every day to practice.
Roll 2, Negative 11a
Um...I don't know!

Roll 2, Negative 12a
Most (not all) of
us in our country number outfits.

Roll 2, Negative13a
The other group of
dancers on the field.

Roll 2, Negative 14a
Corey flipping
Angie on the sidelines while we were waiting...from a bad angle.
Roll 2, Negative 15a
Corey flipping
Angie on the sidelines while we
were waiting...from a
better angle.

Roll 2, Negative 16a
Just an overall
shot of the field with the
other group of dancers on it.

Roll 2, Negative 17a
I couldn't get
close to Tina Turner, but here
she is on the jumbo screen.

Roll 2, Negative 18a
The other group of
dancers dancing to one of
Tina Turner's songs.
Roll 2, Negative 19a
L-to-R, Denise, Jay
and Angie on the
sidelines mimicking the Tina

Roll 2, Negative 20a
A rather far-away
shot of Tina Turner on her
stage practicing,

Roll 2, Negative 21a
I'm not sure why
these girls did this, but hey, it was picture-worthy.

All of us in our
country number outfits (or as I call them, our "cow"

couple of shots taken at the actual Super Bowl...
Jennifer had a friend with
tickets right down front on the 50 yard line, and he brought in a
This is a few of us while we were waiting for the
show to start.
L-to-R: Sharon, Kelly & her husband Taft, Russ, Me, Jennifer,
Denise, and Corey.
It's a bit hard to see, but this is us performing
the swing number during the actual pre-game show. If you click on
it to see the blow-up and look really hard, you can see me and
Jennifer near the center, up front, between the tubas.
(To Frank's
home page)