Surprise Dinner for Steve's and Michael's Birthdays
My friends Steve's and Michael's birthdays are a few days apart. Their
wives (Amy and Sheila) decided to throw a surprise party for them at a favorite local Mexican restaurant. Look at all the kids! It's hard to believe
that a few years ago we were all members of a singles Sunday School class.
[Click on any of the thumbnail images to view blow-up]
 Amy, Leslie & Steve |
 Amy |

Glen & Phillip |
 Steven, Malia & Michael |
 Steven, Malia & Michael |
 Blowing out candles |
 Matt, Cheryl & Anna |
 Michael |
 Luanne & me |
Marsha & Debbie
(along the wall) |
Anna, Leslie,
Tommy & Brianna |
& Brianna
I've got to share this little story. Matt & Cheryl's daughter, Anna, really touched
my heart that night. For no apparent reason she walked over to me, tapped me on the arm, and asked, "Can I give you a hug?" It was the
sweetest thing ever! Thank you Anna!
(To Frank's home page)